How to Install GA4 On Shopify With Enhanced Ecommerce Events

How to Install GA4 On Shopify With Enhanced Ecommerce Events

GA4 is the new tracking methodology which was forced on 1st Jul 2023. So all the Shopify Google analytics account which runs on Universal GA will have to be ported to GA4. Due to this major change, Shopify store owners have struggled to look at their numbers in GA.

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is the latest version of Google Analytics, and it is a significant departure from the previous version, Universal Analytics (UA). GA4 utilizes a new data model based on events and employs machine learning to offer deeper insights into user behavior. Once Shopify store is set with GA4 (Google Analytics 4) all these data tracking benefits can be used by the store owner.

Note - Please read the article till the end, in the end I have mentioned shortcomings of default Shopify GA integration.

Difference Between GA4 and UA

Here are some of the key differences between GA4 and UA:

  • Data model: In GA4, the event-based data model enables tracking every interaction with your website or app as an event, a departure from Universal Analytics(UA) where interactions were primarily recorded as page views. This makes it easier to track complex user journeys and to understand how users are interacting with your content. On the other hand, UA employs a session-based data model, tracking only the first interaction of a user in a session.
  • Machine learning: GA4 uses machine learning to provide more insights into user behavior. For example, GA4 can automatically identify user segments and track their behavior over time. UA does not have this capability.
  • Cross-platform & Device Tracking: GA4 can track users across multiple platforms, including web, mobile, and apps. UA can only track users across web and mobile.

Using GA4 for Ecommerce Tracking

If you are new and have setup a store recently, then GA4 is the best place to start. It is a more powerful and flexible platform that will give you a better understanding of your users. If you are already using UA, then you should have already or would be looking at migrating to GA4.

In-case you want free migration help you can fill this form and we will get in touch with you. The only caveat is we do it only for online stores that are powered by Shopify.

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GA has a built in ecommerce tracking to record important events and show them nicely on different reports. One of the reports that can be developed on top of it is the ecommerce funnel. Let's use this as an example to enhance our understanding. -

This funnel has the following steps -
Session Start -> View Product -> Add to Cart -> Start Checkout -> Purchase

Enhanced ecommerce Funnel on Google Analytics

It can split the funnel by devices

Funnel split by Device Type (Other Dimensions can also be used to split funnel data)

Item-wise full funnel to see how different items are doing

Ecomm funnel split based on product

If the GA4 setup is correct, it can help the store owner understand the areas which can be improved; thus improving the revenue from the store without any additional marketing expense.  This gives a super power in the hands of store owner to increase the gross margin of the business.

How to Integrate GA4 in Shopify?

Here is the Step by Step Guide to integrate GA4 in Shopify

The good news is that Shopify has given a default GA4 integration in their Admin panel. It does track most of the things but if you are looking at tracking some complex events then you would need to do a manual setup which can be tiring.

Don’t worry we are there to help you with it. We are currently doing free GA4 integrations of Shopify Stores, you can apply for the same by filling this form.

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In following section I will talk about using the default Shopify option to integrate GA4. Incase you are looking for the advanced manual integration you can read it here.

To integrate using the default setup you will have to install the Google and Youtube Sales Channel. Shopify built this app to manage crucial integrations between Google and Shopify. It already has analytics, adwords and other related integrations in it.

To do so follow these steps -

  1. Create an account on in which you want to send your Shopify Store data. You can use an existing Google account or can create a new one.
  2. Go to Link -
  1. Press Install and choose the correct store -
  1. Press Add sales channel button on top right.
  2. If you haven’t already connected with google account It will then ask you to Connect your Google Account.
  1. Then you will have to give the permission to the Google & Youtube channel app
  1. Once you have allowed the Google & Youtube sales channel to access your google analytics account. You can set it up using GA4 setup guide on the page.
  1. Then you will have to connect the GA4 account to your store. You can choose among all the accounts on your GA in which you will want to send the details.
  1. Once you press connect Voila you are all set with most of the Enhanced Ecommerce setup in place.

Once the setup is there you will start receiving different events like -
Page_view, view_item, add_to_cart, begin_checkout, add_payment_info, purchase

Using these events you can create reports which can help you a lot in improving store conversions.

In-case you are not getting events you can debug the whole setup. Here is a great article on How to Debug GA4 installation on Shopify Store.

Shortcomings of default Shopify GA4 integration

The default Shopify GA4 integration is super simple to implement but have various shortcomings for those who want to analyse accurate data and tied properties.

Here are a few of the shortcomings -

  1. Shopify GA4 integration being only client side sometimes miss events. This can be because of user browser blocking the tracking requests or due to some firewall connected.
  2. Default integration is not able to track the Upselling done from thank-you page. Thus providing overall wrong sales figure/
  3. Subscriptions order recording does not happen. The first order of subscription which is created by the user gets tracked but the future orders and payments are not tracked.
  4. A lot of information in the default GA4 integration remains missing. User info and other details are not sent properly along with the event. The discount codes used are also not sent, which restricts the analysis which can be done on the GA4 data.

To overcome all these things we have created a super simple yet error free GA4 integration for Shopify users. It can be installed as an app from the Shopify App Store. Its 100% error free and is simple to integrate.

Incase you need any help on setting it up for your store, you can avail our free GA4 setup service. You can apply by just filling this form and we will get back to you in 2 working days.

Apply Now for Free GA4 Setup