Sticky Cart App to Improve Conversion Rate of Shopify Store

Sticky Cart App to Improve Conversion Rate of Shopify Store

While working on reducing cart abandonment, certain tweaks can have a powerful impact on the conversion rates. These tweaks in UI, flows and experiences play and important role in Conversion Rate Optimization. Article Essential CRO Checklist talks about 31 points on how Conversion Rates can be optimised for Online Stores.

One such tweak is to make the online store cart sticky to the shoppers.

With the decrease in timespan of the shoppers, it’s important that the cart is visible to the shoppers upfront. This ensures that shoppers do not leave the cart without completing the payment hence reducing the cart abandonment rate.

Three major strategies which can reduce the cart abandonment rate are-

  1. Ensuring cart visibility to the shoppers all the time.
  2. Showing time based offers and deals on cart
  3. Getting back cart abandonment shoppers using various communication channels.

Sticky Cart App solves point number 1 for the online stores

Current Shopify Cart UI

Currently in shopify the cart is available in the small top corner of the store. The cart button can easily be missed by the users resulting in higher cart abandonment. The shopper has to click on this button to move the cart page and then checkout.

Current Cart Button in Shopify

Lumino Solution to Reducing Cart Abandonment

Lumino solves this problem by creating a Sticky Cart App for Shopify Stores. The impact of change in the cart is shown upfront and throughout the website, with the help of Sticky Cart .

Refer this screenshot below

Sticky Cart for Reducing Cart Abandonment

Here you can see the Buy Now button is upfront and clearly visible to the shopper across website. This ensures that shopper do not leave the store without completing the purchase.

This reduces the cart abandonment rate. Our studies have found that the impact of this update ranges from 3-10% of the total revenue which can be a make or break for the business. From an overall impact this app is simple and highly impactful.

Customisations in Sticky Cart App

This app is fully customisable to ensure that the sticky cart maintains the brand look and feel. The customisation include everything required to customise the app

Sticky Cart App Customisation for Reducing Cart Abandonment

Future Integrations to Further Reduce Cart Abandonments

Deals and timers can be shown on Sticky Cart to further improve the store conversion rate. These apps will be available on Lumino next so till then stay tuned!